
UAE Select

UAE Select


The “UAE Select” Portfolio invests in equities of the United Arab Emirates listed in the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange, the Dubai Financial Market, Nasdaq Dubai, London Stock Exchange and any other exchange listed/unquoted equity securities of the UAE. This portfolio has an eclectic investment style of “core value” and “peripheral growth”. Core ideas have a value tilt and are selected based on high and sustainable dividend yield, strong balance sheets, high ROEs, and high return on invested capital. The core Value strategy has a long term investment horizon of three to five years. The peripheral growth strategy has a short to medium term investment horizon (three months to three years) and is invested opportunistically depending on market inefficiencies. The peripheral growth strategy focuses on names that are momentum driven, with short to medium term capital appreciation catalysts, and high earnings growth.  The relative composition of Value and Growth strategies within the portfolio varies and depends on our view of the market cycle in the UAE.